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Nov komplet za piknik JURA
We are pleased to announce that the new JURA picnic set made of spruce prisms has expanded our product range. At first glance, you will be fascinated by its respectable dimensions of 4000...
STREETPARK at the Festival of Architecture
On 26.2.-29.2.2020 the traditional Building Fair took place at the Brno Exhibition Center. Part of the fair was also the Festival of Architecture focused on current topics such as circular...
Novi katalog 2020
Veseli nas, da vam lahko po več mesecih truda pokažemo novi katalog urbane opreme STREETPARK urbana oprema za leto 2020. Celoten katalog vam je na voljo v rubriki...
Omejevalni stebriček KATAO
Beton je klasičen material, ki se veliko uporablja na javnih prostorih. Njegove poglavitne prednosti so: je visoko odporen, vzdržljiv in praktično ne zahteva vzdrževanja. Zato smo se...
Stojalo za kolesa VELONE
Večino naših klopi in košev za smeti izdelujemo iz dveh osnovnih materialov: kovine in lesa. Odločili smo se, da bomo to tradicionalno in učinkovito kombinacijo razširili tudi na...
Lope za smetnjake
Novi betonski lopi za smetnjake BOORKA in KOVRADO sta se nedavno pridružili ponudbi naših izdelkov: Montažno izdelani betonski boks BOORKA je namenjen za hrambo smetnjakov....
KOLN Litter bin
In our litter bins section you can now find a new concrete litter bin KOLN. The litter bin is characteristic by its unusual shape: a square base with rounded corners gradually changes...
SANDWICH Bicycle stand
As spring is comming, we would like to introduce you new bicycle stand SANDWICH. The SANDWICH bike stand is recognizable for its simple construction with litte cyclist icone. Thanks to...
Our design department had their hands full of work from the beginning of the year. Because of this we can introduce to you new products in our portfolio: The modern FRAMEO bus stop...